You may have heard the phrase “content is king.”
It’s a saying that copywriters and marketing teams often use to justify the investment in content marketing. It implies that your content is the most important thing that you can invest in. After all, your content is what your visitors will be reading to find out more about who you are and what you do.
While the phrase may sound glib, there is truth to it.
Your content is an important aspect of your website. Carefully crafted content will draw your readers in. It will help explain what your products or services are and help to differentiate you from your competitors. It can answer any questions that your customers may have (before they even know what answers they need to know!). And your content is a vital tool in your arsenal to help you improve your search engine rankings.
Combining your content with a visually eye-catching design allows you to stand out from your competitors. In addition, it can help you to convert visitors into paying customers.
Let’s break down why you should be investing in your content.

Your content can improve your search engine performance
Search engines such as Google rely on content to trawl through your website and determine if your website answers someone’s search query.
If your content is well-written and uses a comprehensive keyword strategy, it is more likely to be chosen by Google as an authoritative expert. This will improve your chances of being listed at the top of page one.
You should think carefully about your content strategy.
Content should never be written for the sake of it.
Instead, it should have a distinct purpose. It should be used to answer the search queries that your customers are likely to be searching for. The more information you can provide on your website through your content, the more likely your audience will find you online.
For example, if you are a local business (like we are local to Ipswich) and you are attracting local customers, you will want your content to align with local SEO keywords.
As you write your content, you should consider SEO tactics.
As well as using the relevant keywords, you also want to include H1 and H2 tags and use catchy headline-grabbing titles. Don’t forget to update your meta descriptions and page titles. It would help if you also remembered to use alt-text to label all of your images.
These technical SEO attributes will allow you to feed the relevant information through to Google’s algorithms.
If you’re unsure how to write effective content that aligns with SEO strategies, please drop us an email. We are experienced in writing for SEO, and as professional copywriters, we can help craft copy that stands out and catches your audiences’ attention while also matching their search intent.
But don’t forget to put the audience at the heart of your writing

As you write your content, you should always keep the end reader in mind.
You want to use your copy to answer any questions that they have. Therefore, you need to provide added value to what they are reading. For example, can you give them some useful hints and tips based on your area of expertise? If your readers feel that your content provides them with helpful information, they will likely spend more time on your site.
Another key tip to ensuring that your content is working as effectively as possible is to make sure that you include regular calls to action. You may need to signpost your audience to undertake specific actions, clarifying what you want them to do. Perhaps you want them to sign up for your newsletter, follow you on social media, purchase a product or get in touch to learn more about your services.
If this sounds too tricky, why not read our article on “how to write a great blog post.”
Your content can be used to explain your products and services
Your content is an informative tool that can be used to explain your products and services. You can use your written words to make your audience excited by what you can offer through carefully crafted phrasing.

Your audience is likely browsing your website because they want to know more about what you do. If you have a comprehensive content marketing strategy, you can create copy that matches your products or services with your customers’ searches.
Well-written content can set expectations. It can help your customers make an informed decision. It can give them enough information to decide whether you are a good fit for them or not. What’s more, if you’ve shared enough information about your business, you may be further along the sales funnel when your prospective customer does get in touch.
Your content can show who you are as a business
Today’s Millennial and Gen Z audiences want to know more about the businesses they support and work with. They want to know what your corporate culture is like, what you stand for, what charities you support, and why they should choose you over anyone else.
Your content is important to share details of your corporate personality.
You can use different tones of voice to convey distinct aspects of who you are and what you do. If you work in a B2B environment, your tone of voice will likely be more formal than those working in a B2C context. You can use your content to highlight details about business successes, your opinions on sector news, or even highlight your recent work through case studies and testimonials.
We’ve previously shared suggestions of what your business could be writing about, but please contact us if you need further support to devise a comprehensive content strategy.
Hiring a professional copywriter could be one of the best investments you make
As content is so important, you should allocate part of your marketing budget to content marketing.
Businesses often neglect to invest in their written words. After all, anyone can write, and who knows your business better than you? But is your content working as effectively as it should be? Your content should display your strengths and make you sound professional. Is it capturing your audiences’ attention? And most importantly, is your content converting your audience into paying customers?
If you choose to hire a professional copywriter, you can benefit from someone who knows how to write with your audience in mind. At Gatekeeper Communications, our approach is to understand how your business works and who your customers are. We can identify your business priorities and focus your content on what your customers want to read.
We can create comprehensive content strategies that align with your business goals. We can ensure that your content is working as hard as possible.